Albert Ellis (1913-2007)
- Psychological problems may be rooted into childhood, they are reinforced by present ways of thinking.
- Person's belief system is the primary cause of the disorder.
- Internal dialogue plays a central role in one's behavior.
- Clients focus on examining faulty assumptions and misconceptions and on replacing these effective beliefs. (Corey,2009)
- To teach clients to confront faulty beliefs with contradictory evidence that the gather and evaluate.
- To help clients seek out their faulty beliefs and minimize them.
- To become aware of automatic thoughts and to change them. (Corey,2009)
Therapist use a variety of cognitive, emotive, and behavioral techniques:
- diverse methods are tailored to suit individual clients, an active, directive, time-limited, present-centered, psychoeducational, and structured therapy.
- engaging in Socratic dialogue, collaborative empiricism, debating irrational beliefs, carrying out homework assignments, gathering data on assumptions one has made, keeping a record of activities, learning new coping skills, changing one's language and thinking patterns, role playing, imagery, confronting faulty beliefs, self-instructional training, and stress inoculation training. (Corey,2009)
- Albert Ellis (1913-2007)
- Aaron Beck (1921- )
- Judith Beck (1954- )
- Donald Meichenbaum (1940- ) (Corey,2009)
Corey, G. (2009). Theory and practice of counseling
and psycotherapy. Fullerton: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
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