- Focus is on communication patterns within a family, both verbal and non-verbal.
- Problems in relationships are likely to be passed on from generation to generation.
- The present is more important than exploring the past. (Corey,2009)
- To help family members gain awareness of patterns of relationships that are not working well and to create new ways of interacting. (Corey,2009)
- Genograms, teaching, asking questions, joining the family, tracking sequences, issuing directives, use of countertransference, family mapping, reframing, restructing, enactments, and setting boundaries.
- May be experiential, cognitive, or behavioral in nature.
- Most are designed to bring about change in a short time. (Corey,2009)
- Alfred Alder
- Murray Bowen
- Virginia Satir
- Carl Whitaker
- Salvador Minuchin
- Jay Haley
- Cloe Madanes
Corey, G. (2009). Theory and practice of counseling
and psycotherapy. Fullerton: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.