Psychoanalytic Therapy
- The dynamics of the unconscious and it's influence on behavior
- The role of anxiety
- Understanding of transference and counter transference
- The development of personality at various stages in the life-cycle (Corey, 2009)"
- Make unconsious conscious
- Reconstruct basic personality
- Assist in reliving earlier experiences and work through repressed conflicts
- Achieve intellectual and emotional awareness (Corey, 2009).
- Maintaining analytical framework
- Free association
- Interpretation
- Dream analysis
- Analysis of resistance
- Analysis of transference (Corey, 2009)
- Sigmund Freud- introduced the concept in 1937
- Eric Erickson- built on Freud's ideas and extended his theories in 1963
- Carl Gustav Jung- unlike Freud, thought the goal of therapy was to transform personality in 1913 (Corey, 2009).
Very good! Only thing lacking is the citation of sources (textbook, etc).